Thursday, September 15, 2011

Another Clarissa

Even though Clarissa Dalloway lives in the 1902s and has many restrictions of that time period, I think there are other Clarissas in more modern times. The movie The Hours shows us this. The more I think about it, the more I think my aunt was a lot like Clarissa. She wasn't extremely wealthy, but she had a very comfortable life. She used to like to act in plays and was very outgoing, but after she got married, she had a very quiet life. Like Clarissa, she liked to make everything perfect and beautiful. My mother used to say that when her sister wrapped a present, it was a work of art. Even though she could have gone to college or had a career, she didn't. She stayed at home and didn't have much to do, but she liked to have special dinners and make the house look perfect. She had mental health problems like Virginia Woolf/Septimus. She was often sick, similar to Clarissa, and her husband would take care of her. I think that my aunt had more choices than Clarissa Dalloway, but they both could have had many more adventures and much more excitement if they had married different people.

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